March 2019 News: CSD 2 Switch Preview!

March 2019 News!
Get ready for CSD 2 anywhere you go!

The Nintendo Switch is one of my favorite platforms, and I'm super excited for our upcoming release! We're currently targeting an April release date. Be sure to follow @chubigans for the latest date details. Till then here's a few features you can look forward to on the Switch!

All the PC Content + Barista Update
Enjoy all the content that was released from launch, including the Barista Update. That's 400 levels!
Single or Dual Joycon Co-Op
Play single player using dual joycons or a Pro controller, or try Local Co-op with single joycons for each player, or the more traditional controllers for both players!
In-Game Touchscreen Support
Navigate the menus with a controller, then when the day starts switch over to the touchscreen and send out orders by tapping your way to deliciousness! Pro controller support also included!
HD Rumble & Switch Improvements
Feel the cookin' with the HD Rumble support! The game also runs at native 720p in handheld mode and 900p in docked mode. I've also increased the size of the text for all food descriptions when in handheld mode so that it's easier to enjoy all the lore in the game.
PS4 Europe Store Rollout Update
We have released CSD 2 to all remaining European countries at the end of Feb., so be sure to check out your region's store if you missed the initial European launch!

First Annual Bake Off Challenge Winners!
Congrats to Suanas and Bajapatty for winning our first annual cookie bake off contest! Thanks to all the participants and I can't wait till we have another bake off, as these entries were just too delish!

March Challenge!
The latest Community Challenge is up on our official Discord server! Check out the #community-contest channel to learn more and find a unique dish you'd like to see in the CSD series.

CSD 2 Coming to Xbox!
In case you missed it, an Xbox One version of CSD 2 is coming soon! I'll have more details in next month's newsletter, woo!

March Newsletter Winner!
As a subscriber you're automatically entered for a chance to win one of our monthly game giveaways! Congrats to bjornita, you won all seven of our games on Steam! Woo!
Games We Think Are Cool

I'm not sure why I'm into building/survival sims all of the sudden, as I've never really liked them before, but Subnautica is quite good. Maybe its because I just love underwater atmospheres.

I've been more on a tabletop game kick lately, and Spirit Island is just about as great as everyone says it is. With complex strategies and victory arriving literally a turn away from disaster, this game is always exciting, fresh and fun.

If you're looking for something a bit more simple and casual, Azul is quite a fun game. I've taught my sister, her family, and even my mom how to play this game and got them all hooked despite not having played any major boardgames before. The sequel with stained glass looks a little overly complicated compared to the original, but I haven't tried it myself just yet.
These are games we enjoy or think are awesome, and are NOT paid advertisements or referrals in any way.